
Respect – Be aware of the boundaries of yourself and your counterpart and honor them.

Specialized in creating clarity about your own boundaries. Afterwards, you will know exactly what to do and how to do it.

Only for those ready to take the leap. If you can’t go on living like THAT, get in touch.


– Bitterness,
– anger,
– annoyance,
– sadness,
– listlessness,
– apathy,
– lack of clarity
are clear signs that boundaries have been crossed.

It starts with annoyance, followed by anger, and at some point we resign ourselves and no longer even know who we are. What is our life? This is how others begin to live through us. We are always the easiest way.

If we start to say no, we are met with rejection and intense anger. Anything to get us back on track. We have often reached this point and have not been able to get beyond it.

It is too important to us to please others. But there are strong fears in the background.

Being left alone. That no one needs us anymore, we say no. It takes courage to take this step. A part of you will die

The part of you that would rather give in and have harmony than be yourself.

The part that didn’t believe you could live independently and alone. The part that preferred to live an illusion. But then the consequences always turn inwards. A yes on the outside is usually a no on the inside. The consequences, as described at the beginning.

Simply put, we have forgotten the archetype of the warrior and the wild man/woman within us. It took me many years to recognize it in myself and many more to free myself. It is one of my major life themes and so I speak from experience:

„We will only be free when we have disappointed everyone we know. We have deceived them. We have deceived ourselves.

This 1:1 mentoring is very intensive and only for people who have had enough. If you’ve recently heard words like I can’t go on living like this! I don’t like it anymore! I don’t want to anymore!, get in touch!

How it works:

Contact me

Send me a message over the form below and I'll get in touch with you. You can also send me a link to your FB page, Telegram or number for imessage or Signal.

Free 20min talk

To see if you are ready, if I can guide you and if you want me to do so. Afterwards I make you an offer and send you a calendar where you can choose a date.

We get things done

You explore your topic. I offer you practical techniques and create clarity about the background to your issue. The techniques are simple, but they take a long time to integrate into your life.

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Tanja Danksagmüller

Mondsee, aut

You are simply magical. There are no words to describe what you really do.

Markus L.

feldkirchen, Aut

Thank you so much for your honesty. It’s been a long time since someone spoke to me so clearly. Even if it hurts a little.  

Katharina F.

You are the dearest to me. You know me, feel a lot and really have the intention to help me.


You are extremely non-judgmental and consistent. You could call it love or simply recognition. For me, you have always been a person who is extremely advanced in many things, who understands a lot and has many approaches to solutions.

Manuela F.

Thank you for your rèsumè I feel caught, carried and understood by you.

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